Are you all like me? Do you have almost every toy and dog clothing imaginable? I’m really great about purging my items, however, sometimes I forget to take the time to go through Beau’s drawers and toy box. Of course the last time I tried to clean out his toys, he kept running and grabbing everything I put in the trash out of the trash! 😊 Today I wanted to talk to you about some safety concerns and ideas to keep you and your pup safe and clean! Here are some helpful tips for pet parents!
Inspect your pets gear
It’s important to make sure their gear like the collar, tags, and leash are all safe. If their stuff looks like it is ready to break and is fraying it is time to invest in some new apparel. Damaged gear is a safety concern. Just like we wash our clothes to get bacteria and dirt off our clothes we should do the same for our pets. Their accessories can be easily washed in a sink with pet shampoo. It is a great idea to make sure your pet’s id is correct with the correct numbers on it so if they are lost, someone can call you. If your pup is chipped, make sure the HomeAgain® profile is correct. The national check the chip day is August 15th.
Pet hair clean up
Shedding is inevitable with animals! You can use a damp rubber glove to rub your hand over your rugs or furniture to remove the hair! Sometimes a vacuum clean just can’t get it all!
Clean up toys on aisle…
Take a peak in your pet’s toy box or all over the house and you will see a sea of dirt and unsanitary items. Plastic toys can be washed with unscented soap to get rid of dirt and bacteria. For the cloth toys, you can throw them in the washer. If they are past the point of no return, to the trash they must go.
Keeping your outdoor space clean
Make sure you check your yard for dangerous items. I have occasionally found glass and other times which eventually surfaced over time. Poop patrol is important to keep you, your put, or other family/friends from bringing in a land mine into the house! Also, remember if you use fertilizer or other chemicals on the yard, to make sure they are pet safe or you follow the allotted amount of time before your pet can revisit their yard! Remember certain chemicals are toxic to animals.
Dealing with fleas/ticks
Let’s face it! No one wants to deal with fleas and ticks! The good news is there are lots of great products out there to help keep these pesky pests away from your pets and out of your house! You can talk to your veterinarian about different medications or natural products to help keep everyone itch free!
I hope you found these tips helpful! Keeping your furbaby safe and clean is another part of being responsible for your pup! Is there a tip you have for furbaby parents? Please share it in the comments below!