How to Hang Proper Portraits

Portraits are a great way to show off your family and the ones you love! Pictures are able to freeze a time you can never get back and after taking them, you will want to see them again and again! So how should you hang your artwork? Personally, I think this really depends on the size of your home and your style. 

If you have a huge home and have lots of space you are able to have lots of huge pieces of artwork throughout your home. If your home is smaller, you may have only a few larger pieces in your home. Some people prefer to have multiple smaller images in their homes. The whole idea is to get a mix of what will add to your home and bring a smile to your face! 

One of the things you will want to do is have an idea of what your imagery will look like on your walls! At Wise Images Photography, we have a program which will allow us to show you what your images will look like on your walls before you buy. You simply take a photograph of your wall and then we can arrange images on your wall according to the size you desire. 

There are general “rules” on how to correctly size your artwork with your room depending on the furniture and the layout of the room. 

Rule one: Go big!

Sometimes people are afraid to go with one giant signature piece for the room. They are afraid it will cramp the room up. If you really like something, you will make it happen. If you go too small your artwork will not look correct on the wall. 

Here is a diagram using a couch as an example to show the general rules.

Rule two: Hang artwork at eye level. 

You really want to see portraits/artwork at eye level so you can make connections with them. If they are hung too high you can’t see them as easily. You will want to have the center of your artwork around 57 to 60 inches high from the ground. Just like anything there are going to be other factors which will come into play, such as the height of your walls. If you have walls which are very low or very high we can move things around in our program so you get an idea of what your artwork will look like for your space. 

Rule three: Grouping photographs should be about 5 to 6 inches apart. 

When you group smaller images together you want them to have a connection with each other. You will want to make sure you don’t space them out too far apart or they will look as if they don’t go with each other. The general rule of thumb is have them spaced 5 to 6 inches apart. You can really have some fun with groupings. You can do all the same sizes or mix and match. You can still follow the rules of placement with multiple images. 

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I hope this gives you some inspiration and helps to give you ideas on what to do with your artwork. In our introductory call we can talk about your goals for your wall space. Together we can design the perfect walls to bring joy to your space. 

Wise Images Photography is based near Orlando in Montverde, FL. KT has been serving the Central Florida area for over 15 years!